Whale shark camp - Ages 6-14

Whale sharks are the largest animals on earth, so it felt like a good fit for the longest camp that EMA has ever offered!
Full day, full week camp!


Whale Shark Weekly Topics:

May 27: Sharks, Dolphins + Whales- OH MY!

June 3: Fossils
June 10: Marine Environments! (Like coral reef!)
June 17: Marsh, Marsh, Marsh!
(Don’t worry, we beach, beach, beach, too!
June 24: Sea Turtles

July 1: Predator + Prey (No class on July 4th- prorated price!)
July 8: Pirates, Shipwrecks + Blackbeard!
July 15: Oceanography! This means VOLCANOES!
July 22: Zones of the Ocean, bioluminescence + deep sea species!
July 29: Fact or Fantasy? Sea Monsters, sea dragons + mermaids!

August 5: Reptiles! (Marine + Land!)
August 12: Decapods
August 29: Sharks
August 26: Jellies + Things that Sting!

This camp may take field trips, so please be sure to have both waivers completed, including the transportation waiver!

Whale Shark Camp

Ages 6-10 and 11-14
May 27th - August 26th

Monday- Friday
7:30 AM - 3:30 pm
5 pm late stay option
$350 per camper

We are so excited to FINALLY have a full day, full week summer camp at EMA. Since this is the longest camp that EMA has ever offered, we decided whale shark summer camp was the perfect name!

Monday-Friday from 7:30-3:30 PM.
Drop off from 7:30-8:30!
$25 late stay per week, per child

Topics will change each week!

Please be sure that each camper has a water bottle, change of clothes, bathing suit, flip flops, closed toed shoes packed, sunscreen, healthy snacks (more than you think they’ll need!), lunch and a towel. Any other items that they would like while on the beach are always welcome, such as hats!

There are TWO age groups:
Ages 6-10
Ages 11-14
Topics are the same for each group, but the movement and activities for the age groups may vary. Groups will come together for certain activities!

Just another friendly reminder about sunscreen ;)
Please label their sunscreen!
They re-apply it 2-3 times per day!


Check out our FAMILY FRIENDLY class schedule for our Ghost Crab + SUP and Science schedules!